Seminar and Project Launching Household E-waste Management in Malaysia — Info-kit and Web Portal

The first seminar and the launching ceremony of the JICA Technical Cooperation Project on Household E-waste management in Malaysia was held in Dewan Biduri Department of Environment (DOE), Putrajaya on 2nd November 2015.

In the ceremony, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) Malaysia, Dato’ Sri Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi officially launched the Project on household E-waste Management in Malaysia, including Info-kit and Website.

There are 200 participants from various sectors representing Government agencies, Local Authorities, manufactures, consultants, recyclers and NGOs.

It is most encouraging to note that many have taken interest to attend the event, including the seminar held earlier in the morning, shared by the Japanese experts on the experiences of household E-waste management in developed countries.

The presentation materials can be obtained below:


Background of the Technical Cooperation by Puan Azuri Azizah

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